Design of one-way slab using Slab App

We designed the one-way slab in the previous article. In this article, we will design the same one-way slab through the RCC Slab Design App. The Eigenplus team made this

Designing two way slabs: An example

A two-way slab is a type of R.C.C. slab that distributes loads in two perpendicular directions efficiently. The term “two-way” is to describe the bending behavior of the slab in

Tensile strength of flat plates| Staggered Bolting

In the previous articles, we have seen design examples of finding the tensile strength of flat plate with Chain pattern bolting. In this article, let’s explore the difference for staggered

Design steps of different RCC members

We generally divide the building, bridges, water tanks or any other structures among members. This decides the members based on their behaviour. Here behaviour means how that member is resisting

Polytropic process | Equation, Work done Explanation

A polytropic process is a thermodynamic process in which a polytropic equation is used to describe the relationship between pressure and volume. These processes are frequently used to simulate compressors

The principle of minimum potential energy

This is the most important theorem in solid mechanics. To determine the deformation and the stress in the structure we can use the principle of minimum potential energy. A proper

Basic assumption in mechanics of solid

In the engineering first year all of us have to go through the mechanics course. This course deals with the force and reaction in the body, inertia, moment, vector, scalar

What is effective stress in soil?

Effective stress is the main parameter that helps understand soil engineering phenomena. Although effective stress is hypothetical, and there is no instrument to measure this directly, it is still most